My Time Capsule: 2011 in a Nutshell


2011 in a Nutshell

2011 was definitely the busiest year for me. Normally I travel to less than 10 countries in a year. But last year I visited 12 countries, including Abu Dhabi in the UAE (staying only 8 hours for transit).
So here we go, my 2011 travel photography review:

MAY - Singapore
 We went to Singapore for my Mom annual health checkup in Mount E hospital. And took my sister to Changi airport and bid farewell as she was moving to Netherlands after getting married. It was heartbreaking to see my Mom and Dad crying in the airport :(
I was sad but thanks to Luzi, my best friend, she came all the way from Bali to accompany us. It meant a lot to me. We've been best friend since we were kindergarten student. But it was our first trip abroad together, so it was really fun.
with Luzi and my sister in Universal Studio, Singapore

JUNE - Jordan, Israel, Palestine territory
It's a dream comes true. I've always wanted to visit Petra and no doubt it's truly amazing. I wish I stayed longer there. And as a catholic it was my first pilgrimage trip to holy land, Jerusalem - Israel.

Petra the Red Rose city, Jordan

Haifa, Israel

Bethlehem, Palestine territory

JULY - Egypt
My second trip to Egypt. This time I climb to reach the peak of mount Sinai. It was a tough 8 hours journey and I fell down which caused a very nasty bruised on my legs. Nevertheless it was my great achievement to overcome my acrophobia - the fear of height.
at the peak of mount Sinai, Egypt

SEPTEMBER - Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, German
Visiting eastern Europe countries, very beautiful indeed. But I got really sad when visiting the Auschwitz Nazi Camp. All the sickening facts was overwhelming.
Warsaw, Poland

Auschwitz Nazi Camp, Poland

Prague, Czech Republic

Budapest, Hungary

Salzburg, Austria

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

NOVEMBER - Singapore
We went to Singapore again because Mom needed to see the doctor.
Orchard Road, Singapore

DECEMBER - Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong
Annual Christmas holiday in Hong Kong and visiting my Grandmother's sister. Also spent some days to explore Beijing and Shenzhen.
the Great Wall, Beijing, China

Shenzhen, China
the Peak, Hong Kong


  1. You had quite an amazing year of travel and experiences. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing your magnificent pictures.

  2. Hey Fidel, thanks for visiting my blog :)

  3. You're welcome. I am enjoying it. Hope you don't mind if I comment older posts. I like giving feedback to people :-)

  4. I'd love to read your feedback !!!
    I'm still struggling to learn and maintain my blog. So some feedback from the expert would be great :D

  5. hanya mampu ber-andai...
    bisa me-manage uang untuk kelayapan seperti anda

    1. Ayo optimis donk ! kuncinya adalah "Dream Big" ! kadang kesempatan bisa datang dari mana aja kalo kita selalu berpikir positif :)

  6. wah keren2 potonya kk,,kapan yah bisa travel kaya kk,,^__^

    1. Ayo optimis, pasti BISA ! Asal mau memanage uang sebaik mungkin :)

  7. ^__^ iya kk debb,,,,kk suka potografi jg yah,,,,yg di budapest sama haifa keren....editing lg ga itu?

    1. Masih belajar basic photography nih, blum punya DSLR juga. Editing basic aja kayak crop, lighting n saturation pake ACDSee program :)

  8. owh gtu heheheh tapi d FBnya pke DSLR lensa tele :D

    1. ow bukannnn.....itu lagi cobain camera punya temen ceritanya, hihihihi :p

  9. hihihihi makasih ya kk dah di confirm FBnya,,,,jd bisa liat poto2 travellingnya yg update dh

  10. nice blog, the picture & the story, envy bgt..

    kirain fotonya pake DSLR loh, trus kalo bukan kamera apa ya? hehehe *penasaran*

    1. Makasih yaaa :)
      Aku pake camera semi pocket Canon G11. Moga2 udah ga penasaran lagi, jadi bisa bobok nyenyak, hihihi :p

  11. Blognya keren, foto-fotonya apa lagi :)

    aku penasaran klo bukan DSLR, kameranya apa dong?

  12. Semakin ke belakang semakin menggiurkan deh foto2nya. I'm a traveller wannabe and would go to KL next month. That's my first abroad trip ヽ(´▽`) ノ

  13. Hi Debbie, it is really pleasure reading your blog. I love your pictures, it drags me to do travel more and more like you do. I am just curious, your pictures -most of them- show the wide angle and it's cool, did you take it from the highest building or how?

  14. it is really pleasure reading your blog. I love your pictures, it drags me to do travel more and more, like you do. I am just curious, almost all of your pictures view in wide angle, how did you take it, did you take from high building or how? and how did you get the right building to take the picture?

    1. Yes, I love the bird view scenery. I always try to climb to the top of stairs or building or viewing deck. In some places I usually ask the information centre about the place to get the city best view. Thanks for visiting my blog :)


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