My Time Capsule: Hong Kong: Food Porn


Hong Kong: Food Porn

Warning! Don't read this post on an empty stomach. The risk is all yours.

I spent roughly half my childhood living in Hong Kong. Dad used to visit Hong Kong & Taiwan every 3 month for business and stayed in both countries up to one month each visit. I've always tagged along since I was 1 year old. Therefore Hong Kong kinda feels like home to us. Nowadays we don't visit Hong Kong that often, only once a year to indulge our taste buds with scrumptious Hong Kong food.

These are some of my favourites:

BBQ Suckling Pig
Very tender and juicy meat with crispy skin. YUM! it's difficult to express how delicious the dish is. You really have to taste it yourself. Take a bite and you will see a unicorn flies over the rainbow. Wait, OK I think I exaggerate but believe me, it's beyond yummy !

HK Salt Steamed Chicken
Salt steamed chicken (pak cham kee), this is the must try menu when you visit Hong Kong. It may looks like Hainanese steamed chicken in Singapore but this one is more tasty. Maybe because the cooking method is different, this one tastes more salty and juicy. And despite it's steamed, the skin is crunchy.
When I eat this, I see 2 unicorns fly over the rainbow :p

Sweet & Sour Pork

Meat Feast !
I love going to Causeway Bay traditional market in the morning and buy some food from this stall. The choices are Char Siew (BBQ pork), Siu Yuk (roasted pork), honey glazed fried pigeon, roasted duck and steamed chicken. They tastes heavenly.  I'm drooling now by looking at this picture. Gosh ! I really need to book my ticket to Hong Kong soon :p

Panda Custard Bun. Too cute !
I ordered this one in a dim sum restaurant in Ocean Park. Actually I'd much prefer BBQ pork bun or crispy egg tart over custard bun. But when I saw how cute they were, I couldn't resist to get one :p
It tasted quite nice though. The texture of the bun was a lil bit spongy and the custard was creamy and not overly sweet.

Crispy Egg Tart in Sky100

Cherries in Causeway Bay Market
I know cherries are not specially from Hong Kong. But we don't have fresh cherries here in Bali. So I can only get them when I go abroad. I love cherries so much,  I wish I could grow them in my backyard. Anyone who's coming to Bali, please bring some fresh cherries for me, OK.....tee hee hee :p

Durian Mochi

Mango Pudding with Bird's Nest

Mango Combo

Hui Lau Shan, the mango heaven. I've heard about this for quite long time, finally I got the chance to taste  their famous mango pudding. They have several outlets in Hong Kong and I visit the one opposite Times Square Mall. Actually I'm not really a fan of mango pudding but I was just curious what's all the hype about this place. There are so many to choose from the menu. I ordered Mango Pudding with Bird's Nest which was served with fresh mango chunks, bird's nest and ice cream. While the Mango Combo was served with assorted fresh fruits. The pudding was light and n sweet with a hint of mango. It's quite nice but actually I'd prefer jello which is more chewy. I love the durian mochi though, the durian filling didn't taste too strong. Just lovely!

HK Street Food

Hong Kong street food always makes me crazy. Too many yummy items to choose but I only have one stomach. How to decide? They offer wide variety of light bites from sausage, meat balls, squid, curry fish balls, deep fried goodies to some soups and drinks.
But my most favourite item is.......

HK Egg Waffle!
I love egg waffle since I was a kid. I would run and squeal with joy every time I saw the egg waffle stall and waited patiently while the seller was baking my waffle. The piping hot egg waffle was then put into brown paper bag, it smelled so soooo good and sweet. The outer part is thin and crispy while the "balls" are spongy.
Ohhhh heaven ! Hong Kong you will always be in my heart stomach :D

Gingy Latte

What's your favourite food in Hong Kong?


  1. Yum Yum! I just found out I can get that mango dessert from Hui Lau Shan in San Francisco! Will definitely have to give that a try when I get back home. :)

    1. Wow, they have an outlet in San Francisco! Give it a try if you love mango, they have wide selections of mango dessert :)

  2. Mango pudding with birds nest is my favorite HK dessert! I love it!
    Wow, so many food selections here that I have not tried in HK. I need to tag along with you, DebbZ.
    That Peking duck looks amazing.

    1. Most of the food are from Causeway Bay, I've always stayed in that area everytime I go to HK. The food are really amazing, it's hard not to put on weights there :p

  3. Anonymous31/5/12 01:48

    letting you know i've awarded your blog :) check out my post to see! even though i'm still full from eating, now i want to eat more lol the meat and desserts look so yummy. wish i could tell you my favorite Hong Kong dish, but I've never been there!

    1. Thanks so much Lexi! This is the first award that my blog has ever received. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this. I'm such a newbie in blogging stuff, LOL :D

  4. Anonymous31/5/12 08:03

    hmmm.. Yummy.
    I like your culinary photos, always make me hungry :))

  5. Anonymous31/5/12 20:59

    GREAT BLOG AND AMAZING PHOTOS!! First time i saw it today and will definitely be coming back. Please keep posting :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Please follow my twitter or facebook page to get an update. Cheers :)

  6. wow. i love these food photos. they make me hungry a lot. :(

    1. I'm sorry for making you hungry, hehehe :p

  7. Great pictures and it seems very delicious :)

    1. very delicious! those are my fav HK food :D

  8. Hmmmmm all looks taste delicious, durian mochi, fruits, yummiee :D

    1. yeah too many yummy food. I wish I couldn't get fat :(

  9. Unfortunately, I have never been in Hong Kong. But your picture of BBQ Suckling Pig made my mouse watered :) and I would have a Crispy Egg Tart right now! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Great food pics!! Make us drool ;)
    Btw, if you lived in Hong Kong / Taiwan when you were a kid, can you speak Cantonese or Mandarin?

    1. I speak fairly basic Mandarin only. I always rely on my parents who speak Mandarin fluently but not Cantonese though :p

  11. You bought only one dan taat? You should have bought two. Why? Well, if you were to buy only one, you would soon discover that you enjoyed it so much you wished you’d bought more; but if you bought three, you wouldn’t enjoy the third one as much as you enjoyed the first two.

    1. Lol, I got your point. I does make sense. I'll buy 3 next time :D

  12. Huenaaak nan.... Cakep2 cie potonya

  13. WOW!!! ini pertama kalinya aq visit Blog ini,(sblmnya aq dapet alamat blog ini dri koment blognya mbak Trinity :D) ..jujur, Blog Anda bagus dan sangat mengiurkan (walau cuma liat FOTOna) sis..hehehehe :D ..mohon ijinkan saiya yg sudah lancang bertandang tanpa diundang ini untuk datang lagi mengunjungi blog ini kapan2 ya sis! :D

    keep posting, keep healty and Have a wonderful day to U...GBU :)

    *warm regards from Aceh :*..........*Lee :)

    1. Salam kenal buat Lee dari Aceh!
      Makasih udah mau berkunjung ke blog ini, tolong diteruskan kelancangannya, hahaha.
      GBU too :D

  14. You make my mouth watery yummy! (Padahal itu baru foto, gimana kalo ngadep aslinya ya?) Hahaha...Salam dari kota Salatiga :)



    1. iyah, di Hong Kong banyak makanan yummy...berat badan pasti naik kalo dari sana, hahaha. Salam kenal ya Andifumi :)

  15. Foto-foto nya sangat mengugah selera ni, request buat review Food Porn di korea dan jepang sis, daritadi cari-cari sepertinya belum ada haha

    1. Soalnya dulu pas ke jepang ama korea belum hobby motret makanan, hahahaha. Ntar dech kalo pas jalan2 kesana lagi bakal diupload fotonya :)

    2. oh ya skalian request foto2 makanan buatan cici dong sbagai pastry chef haha

    3. kan udah lama pensiun. Sekarang lebih sibuk makan daripada masak *gembul* hihihihi

  16. Terima kasih mbak buat liputan makanan di Hongkongnya. Akhirnya hari pertama di Hongkong saya bela-belain ke causeway bay buat nyicipin dessert di Hui Lau Shan, street food dan egg wafflenya.Enak-enak semua :D
    Keep posting ya mbak...

    1. Wahhhh, senangnya jalan2 di Hong Kong. Aku juga kangen makanan disana yang serba enak.
      Thanks for following my stories :D

  17. Anonymous7/9/13 18:24

    How about abalone, sharkfin and etc???
    the suckling pig it's must be delicius, i'm quite crazy over it!
    jd pengen foraging ke pasar tradisionalnya klo ke Hongkong....

    1. I support the 'Save Sharks' program, thus I don't eat sharkfin :)
      The suckling pig and dim sum are must try. Oh also those street food goodies!
      Please do check pasar tradisionalnya juga, banyak makanan enak disana. Bihun kikil juga juara :D


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