My Time Capsule: Hong Kong: Ocean Park


Hong Kong: Ocean Park

Hong Kong, December 2011 

Ocean Park is a place that always makes me smile from ear to ear, besides the Hong Kong food.  It’s my favourite theme park in Hong Kong. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for my Dad’s day off during the business trip, hoping he would take me to Ocean Park. The location is by the sea with breathtaking scenery. I love taking the cable car which connects 2 major areas of the park ( the Summit and the Waterfront ). But as much as I love being in a theme park, I hardly take any rides. Especially something like roller coaster thingy, because I'm easily prone to motion sickness. Boo hoo :(

It had been sometimes that I didn't visit this park during my yearly trip to Hong Kong. So I was excited to see what's new in this park. It was not a smart idea to visit on Christmas day though because the park was so crowded and there were long queues everywhere. But in the other hand it looked really pretty with all the Christmas decorations.

colourful Christmas theme

cable car ride

stunning view from the terrace cafe

Dolphin show in Ocean theatre, my all time favourite

I noticed from the map that they have some new sites in the park. One of them is Giant Panda Adventure where you can see closely the famous giant panda from China. They are very adorable creatures. I couldn't get enough looking at their behaviour, moving slowly to find some food. And their latest residents was Red Pandas. I've never seen any red pandas before. I think they looks like raccoon but in ginger coloured hair. Sorry I don't have the picture here. I did try to snap some pictures but it was too crowded, I only managed to shot  hundreds people in front of me *sigh*

the giant panda

My other favourite part of the park is the Grand Aquarium. It feels like diving into the ocean or walking through the underworld. With more than 5000 fish from 400 different species swimming gracefully around you. So tranquil, I really love the feeling.
There are some level in the Grand Aquarium; from touch pool, reef tunnel, gigantic swirl tank, bubble tunnel to a stunning 13m wide acrylic viewing panel in the end.

gigantic aquarium

sharks swim above you

Before leaving the park, don't miss the Symbio or water dragon show, next to the dancing fountain in the Waterfront. This splendid show which combines lights, sound effect, water, fire and fireworks is held every night at 7. You need to be in the Lagoon at least 20 minutes before 7 if you want to grab a good spot to watch the show.

If you need more information about Hong Kong Ocean Park, please visit their web:


  1. nice story in hongkong.

  2. Mantap bener.
    Jadi pengen kesana nih.
    ( deh)..... :P

    1. Pas low seasson aja biar dapet tiket n hotel murah :)

  3. Anonymous29/7/12 03:14

    Amazing photos; amazing entry. :)

  4. Hey Annia, thank you! Glad you found me :)
    I will visit your blog now. Cheers

  5. Great photos indeed, as you promised in the bio :D
    Rasanya gue belum mampir ke sini pas di Hong Kong kapannya. But Hong Kong is a great flight hub, I'm sure we'll be tehre again :D
    Almost 40 countries? Wow!!!

    1. Iyah, bisa sekalian jalan2 di HK kalo pas transit. Banyak negara yg udah diliat sih tapi masih tetep pengen coba backpacking kayak mbak Dina :D

  6. Nice pics. So delightful I stumbled your blog!

    Cheers from Panama :)

    1. Wow, I have a visitor from Panama ! Thank you for stopping by :)

  7. mantab photonya mba izin donw load ya

  8. desember, kalo jd aku ke Hongkong mba..dan ocean park ini udh aku list no 1 tempat yg hrs didatangin cuma krn, baca dr blog lain, rollercoasternya ada yg serruuuuu ^o^!! Hrs coba jadinya...

    sepertinya next travelingku memang cuma nyari tempat2 yg ada rollercoaster ato bungy jumpingnya :D

    1. Ocean Park ini fave ku dari masa kecil. Kayaknya udah puluhan kali kesini tapi tetep ga bosen. Apalagi december cakeppppp, suanasa natal gitu theme-nya :D


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