My Time Capsule: 2012 in a Nutshell


2012 in a Nutshell

Happy New Year 2013 to everyone !!! I wish you all a great year ahead :)

2012 was quite a whirlwind year for me. If you have read my birthday post or follow my twitter you probably knew that I had been in so much stress because my Dad had to be hospitalised couple times for being sick. Even now as I'm typing this post, we've been in Singapore for one week for daily hospital visit. On December 2, 2012 my father had a stroke from brain hemorrhage (bleeding). We had to rush him to the hospital because he couldn't move his body and was about to lose consciousness. It was just 3 weeks away from our Christmas holiday to Sapporo, Japan. We had to cancel the trip and lost all the money we've paid :(

But I believe that life is about a balance of good and bad times. I had some rough days in tears while my Dad in the hospital. In the other hand I also have some happy days when I feel so blessed for being able to travel some countries that I had been dreaming to visit for a long time.
Without further ado, here's my 2012 travel photography review:

Netherlands - March
Travelled to Amsterdam to help my sister packing all her stuff and back to Indonesia for good. It was during spring so we managed to visit the most beautiful spring garden in the world, Keukenhof.


Belgium - March
I joined a one day tour to Antwerp and Brussels from Amsterdam. A beautiful day when I stuffed my stomach full with Belgian waffle, chocolate, fries and escargot. Unfortunately the day ended with a traumatising groping incident.


Rome - March
I lost my checked in suitcase during a short 2 hours flight from Amsterdam to Rome by KLM. After 4 days and 100 phone calls later, they finally found my suitcase and sent it to my hotel.....only to find my suitcase lock has broken and lots of my stuff have gone forever (YES! including my precious 5 boxes Belgian dark chocolate!)


Vatican - March 
I couldn't express my feeling when I finally walked through this Holy city.  I had been dreaming to visit St. Peter's Basilica since ages ago. Specially after watching Angels & Demons the movie. I'm so intrigued by the mysteries that's hidden there. I felt so lucky to be able to have a private mass in the basement of St. Peter's basilica.

St. Peter's Square

Dubai - March
A short 3 days visit to Dubai before flied back home from Rome. I had great time exploring this fascinating city, specially during the desert safari.

Atlantis the Palm hotel

Alaska - June
I had a freezing summer holiday by joining a 8 days Alaskan cruise. Alaska has the most stunning nature life that I've ever seen. Oh ! and dog sledding was so much fun too !

Tracy Arm Fjord

Canada - July
A road trip along British Columbia will never bore me. The scenery was just so breathtaking that it looks surreal sometimes.

Peyto lake

Singapore - November & December
Flied to Singapore in November and December to take my father to the hospital. As much as I love the food, I feel like I easily get bored when I stay here for more than 1 week. I don't know, maybe because I visit Singapore mostly for medical reason. It could be a different story if I were having holiday here.

Garden by the Bay

So...that's roughly my highlights of 2012.
How about yours ?


  1. I hope your Father will get well soon.

  2. Wow Deb! What a fantastic year it has been for you. I really hope your dad gets better very soon! GBU

    1. Yes, being grateful for the good and bad times. GBU too Aggy :)

  3. Happy New Year deb, & hope your your father will get better soon ya :)

    1. Happy New Year to you too and thanks for the wishes ya :)

  4. What an awesome 2012 hope that 2013 brings as many travelling adventures for you as last year did!

    1. Thank you, Belle. Happy new year to you ! :D

  5. Impressing - very impressing, despite of the part about ur Pap...

    1. Yes, it would be a great year if my Dad wasn't sick :)

  6. You certainly have been to some beautiful places, I would love to go to Alaska.
    I hope your Dad makes a full recovery and you and yours have a happy, healthy prosperous New Year, filled with good luck and laughter.xxxxxx

    1. Thanks so much Snowbird. Happy new year to you and have a blessed year xxxxx

  7. Semoga papanya cepat sembuh ya Deb *virtual hugs

    Andd... Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2013 - All the Best for 2013 :)

    Btw, sirikkk sama jurnal dan foto2nya, sirik yg bikin terpacu dan pengen ke situ juga someday :)

    1. Makasihhhh Tatz *hugz*
      Happy New Year to you too !!!
      Ayo semangat buat wujud-in impian keliling dunia :D

  8. bagus buangeddd fotonya,....apalagi yang amsterdam,..woww

  9. woww selalu dengan foto yang luar negeri yang menarikkk

  10. Happy New Year and I hope your Dad is feeling better. Aside from your Dad's illness it looks like you had a great year of travel - I look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2013!

    1. Happy New Year, Amy and thanks for the wish.
      Your RTW trip is getting closer, aren't you excited ? :D

  11. Yes I'm crazy-excited - it's Less than 8 weeks to go till I leave! :)

  12. uwooowww.... kereeeennn!! *ngiri*

  13. Keren... Top markotop...

  14. DebbZie Leksono you are so nice and your blog is very awesome. thanks for sharing informative posts
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