My Time Capsule: Indonesia: Kecak Dance In Uluwatu


Indonesia: Kecak Dance In Uluwatu

Kecak dance is the most unique dance from Bali. Instead of musical instruments, Kecak dance is accompanied by the chorus "cak-cak-cak-cak-cak" from 70 bare chest men while swaying their bodies and waving their hands. History about Kecak, it is an adaptation of an ancient ritual ceremony called ‘Sanghyang’ which was held to purify a village during an epidemic. In this ceremony, two young girls went into a trance and communicated with the spirits to find cause and cure to the problem. Sanghyang was always accompanied by a chorus of men chanting in much the same way as in Kecak.

Nowadays, Ramayana story is inserted into Kecak dance. There are 4 episodes of Ramayana story including the love story of Rama and Shinta. The show ended dramatically with a fire dance by Hanoman the white monkey. Watching Kecak dance with Uluwatu temple and sky change colours during sunset in the background...somehow it felt magical to me. No wonder it's on top list of "must do" in Bali. Everyday hundreds of people from every corner of the world sit together to watch Kecak dance in Uluwatu.

Here's a photo essay of Kecak dance in Uluwatu:

Uluwatu temple is perched majestically on the edge of a steep cliff

the sun is about to set

the background

the priest sprinkle holy water to dancers

capturing the beautiful sunset


fire dance by Hanoman

Kecak dance show starts at 6.00 pm every night, but make sure to come at least 30 minutes before to get a good spot.
Entrance fee to the temple is Rp 15.000 for Indonesian and Rp 20.000 for foreigners. While the Kecak dance ticket is Rp 70.000 for Indonesian and Rp 100.000 for foreigners.


  1. Ah kamu membuatku kangen Bali.

  2. aq pernah ke bali sekali doank.
    tapi blum lihat kecak secara life.

    padahal deket kalo dari sini :(

    1. aku aja domisili Bali tapi baru sekali ini liat kecak, hihihihi

  3. Anonymous27/2/13 03:45

    Fotonya keren2!!
    Mau nonton kecak di uluwatu gagal terus, sepertinya rame :D

    1. rame banget tiap hari. Makanya mesti datang lebih awal, kalau ga dapet tempat duduk ga strategis

  4. Kemaren ke Uluwatu belum sempat nonton Kecak dancenya live, next mesti nonton nih ;)

    1. iyah, lain kali coba nonton dech. Seru juga tuh shownya :)

  5. Anonymous27/2/13 17:30

    Selalu gagal nonton tari Kecak meski udah beberapa kali ke Uluwatu...satu alasan, takut pulang naik motor di tengah kegelapan #baladaRabunJauh hihi... Tapi foto di atas bercerita banget, bikin penasaran keindahan Kecak dan harus nonton saat kembali ke Bali :)

    1. eh bener tuh, jalanan disana serem banget kalo malem. Penerangan jalan minim banget. Aku aja naik mobil masih ngeri lho

    2. Anonymous28/2/13 18:15

      nggak ada jalan lain yang nggak berkelok-kelok kaya gitu ya? nggak ada monorail menuju Uluwatu ya? yuk Deb temeni ke sana kalo aku ke Bali...Haha... #turisribetcaritemen :p

    3. ntar ya, kesana lagi kalo penerangan jalan udah memadai, hihihi :p

  6. Oh WOW, this took my breath away. How exciting to actually be able to watch this in real life, I'm so jealous. It had my heart pounding just looking at the pictures.xxxxx

    1. Come to Bali and I will take you to watch Kecak dance in Uluwatu :)

    2. That's a deal....I would love to visit Bali....and if I do I'll deffo come and see you!xxxxx

  7. oh my God, mba debz, saya belum pernah melihat langsung tari kecak. KEREN YA wisata NUSANTARA

    1. Kalau sempat nonton donk, bagus lho buat pengalaman. Aku tinggal di Bali tapi baru belakangan sempat nonton tari Kecak, hihihi :p

  8. Lho.. ternyata ce Deb tinggal di bali toh..
    Rasanya kalo ke Bali tuh.. sebuah tempat yang amazing buat saya.. hehe (ga tahu kalo beneran tinggal di sana gimana rasanya..)

    Tapi tari kecak nya keren banget ya ce... :)

    1. untuk liburan mungkin tempat yang amazing. Kalau untuk tinggal yah banyak tantangan juga, ga seindah yang dibayangin orang :)

  9. Ahh bagusnya pas sunset :'(
    Dulu ke Uluwatu pas siang ... Jd pengen :o)))

    1. siang panas banget di daerah sana. Paling bagus pas sunset kalo ke Uluwatu. Ayo, sini dateng lagi :p

  10. mantep bgt viewnyaa, tp kebanyakan bule yaa berasa lg diluar negeri aja :D

    1. iyah, aku pikir kenapa orang luar negeri lebih bisa appreciate kesenian Indonesia daripada bangsa sendiri ya :(

  11. Mertuaku seneng pas liat tari kecak ini, eee temanku orang lokal malah bilang - bosen liat tarian itu T_T mungkin karena itu kan tarian daerah sana ya trus liatnya udah dari kecil makanya bosen. btw, disini malah ada khursus membatik lho ...

    1. Begitulah, kayaknya justru orang dari luar negeri lebih bisa appreciate kebudayaan negara Indonesia ya :(

  12. Great instructors! If you want to learn a variety of dances, like salsa, Jive at different levels then this is your spot. They have roughly 8 weeks of lessons before starting next cycle.


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