My Time Capsule: Austria: In Love With Salzburg


Austria: In Love With Salzburg

Austria, September 2011

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow sew
Tea, I drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do...oh oh oh

Have you watched the Sound of Music movie ? I vaguely remember some of the scenes that I watched when I was a kid. Snowy mountains, green pastures, beautiful vintage buildings and amazing gardens with colourful flowers. And as a kid I wasn't curious enough to find out where it was taken. Until I planned my trip to Austria, I found out that some of the shooting locations were in Salzburg. I couldn't wait to step my feet on Mirabell gardens while dancing and singing the Do Re Mi Fa song. But of course I didn't do that because when I was there, the garden was kinda crowded. Because as much as I believe that I'm a good dancer, unfortunately I'm a terrible singer. I didn't want people to throw rotten eggs to my face so I was just humming the song while admiring that beautiful gardens and the palace.

the palace
Mirabell Gardens were redesigned around 1690 under Prince-Archbishop Johann Ernst Graf von Thun to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and completely remodeled around 1730 by Franz Anton Danreiter. The Pegasus Fountain, a work by Kaspar Gras from Innsbruck, was installed in 1913. The four groups of statues around the fountain were sculpted by Ottavio Mosto and symbolise the 4 elements: fire, air, earth and water. The Mirabell Gardens were opened to the public by Emperor Franz Joseph in 1854. Today they are a horticultural masterpiece and popular backdrop for photographers.

Mirabell Gardens

a statue at Mirabell Gardens

Hohensalzburg Fortress in the background

Getreidegasse, the famous shopping lane

I managed to visit St. Peter's Cemetery, one of the oldest and the most beautiful cemeteries in the world. I can't really remember how or when I started my hobby of admiring cemeteries and skulls. There's something mysterious about it that attracts me a lot. St. Peter's cemetery is the final resting place for a number of famous personalities, artists, scholars and businessmen such as Sanction Solaria (architect and builder of Salzburg Cathedral), Mannerly Mozart (Mozart's sister), and a lot more.

St. Peter's cemetery

Salzburg Cathedral

Mozart's house
And since Salzburg is the birthplace of Mozart, it would not complete without a visit to his house. The Mozart family lived on the third floor of the "Hagenauer House" at Getreidegasse 9 for twenty-six years, from 1747 to 1773. The celebrated composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was born here on January 27, 1756. In this museum you'll find out about how he grew up, when he began to make music, who his friends and patrons were, his relationship with his family, his passion for opera, and much more.

funicular railway

Then I made my way up to Hohensalzburg Fortress by the funicular railway. Fortress Hohensalzburg is a real eye-catcher peaking out high above the baroque towers of the city. Having served as a fortification and temporary residence of the prince archbishops for many years, the fortress also served as military barracks and a prison. The view from above is splendid, with overview of the old town, the Salzach river, green pastures and the Alpine with snowy tip. I could spend my whole day here enjoying the view while sipping a cup of coffee from the cafe.

lunch with a view

I wish I wake up every morning to this scenery

view from the Hohensalzburg Fortress

I really had a great day in Salzburg compared to the one I spent in Vienna.Well, I guess I'm not a city girl after all. I enjoy beautiful landscapes more than crowded big cities.
Salzburg, I wish I was in this pretty city right now...


  1. Trip tahun berapa tuh deb? rambut msh gondrong :-)

    1. tahun 2011, Kak. Kangen rambut gondrongku nihhh, hihihi

  2. Sekarang rambut nya cepak yeee ??? hahahaha Liat taman nya cantik2 dan terawat kalo di indonesia tuch bunga pasti dah di babat habis ama pengunjung yg ngak bertanggung jawab :(

    1. Ga cepak sih, sempat potong sebahu gitu tapi sekarang udah sedikit gondrong, hihihi. Iyah kapan ya di Indo bisa punya taman indah kayak gini?

  3. Great pics!! I've only been to the train station in Salzburg, but I'd love to see more! :P

    1. Thanks Michelle :D
      Salzburg is beautiful, I think it's worth a visit

  4. Oh wow!!! Amazing....I loved it all, especially St Peter's cemetery....and what about that skull????? The gardens were also lovely....and you look younger by the day!!!xxxx

    1. Thank you, Dina :D
      The skull is an ornament in one of the church which I forgot the name, lol

  5. suasananya tampak sejuk banget..pemandangannya juga sejuk dimata...kapan saya bisa kesana??? *iriii* hahahahaha

    1. iyah, aku suka kota ini soalnya sejuk dan pemandangannya indah banget. Yuk, sini ngumpet dalam koperku aja :D

  6. Uaaaa been wanting to visit Salzburg for a while now but I don't think I can make it this time round, however I will be back I will!! :D

    1. I think you will love this pretty city, Gy :D

  7. How can you always take pic from above? :) great pics as usual :)

    1. Because I have a private helicopter, hahahaha :p Thanks Andre :)

  8. Aku dua kali ke Salzburg, cuacanya ga wokeh. Kayanya sih kudu balik lagi, untung ga terlalu jauh dari rumah *sombong* :d Pengen ikutan Sound of the Music tour nih.

    1. Kak, kalo rumahku deket mah bisa tiap weekend ke Salzburg. Aku suka banget kotanya :)

  9. austria indah banget ya..

    1. bangetttt, terutama Salzburg dan Innsburg :D

  10. Suasana kota nya asik banget... pasti mahal2 ya di sana.. hehe..
    itu tengkorak ornamen d gereja? gereja gothik gitu yah.. serem...

    1. buat rupiah, negara2 eropa ya pastinya mahal, hihihi.
      Iya ornamen dalam gereja tapi aku lupa nama gerejanya sih :p

  11. yang tengkorak with wings itu salah satu dekorasi makam yah? kok unik banget sih? sereemm hihihihihi

    aaaaa I always love your pict cici deeeebbbbbb :(
    *rebut kameranya*

    1. tengkorak itu malahan ornamen gereja lho Mei. Keren yach :D
      Thank youuuuu *kasih kamera dummy* :p

    2. nanti pas gath, semua kamera di kerahkan pokoknyaahh *joget joget*

    3. siappp! tapi kelemahanku motret manusia lho. Ntah kenapa hasilnya selalu jelek kalo motret orang >.<

  12. lihat foto terakhir, jadi inget temen trip ke Bulukumba. Dia orang Austria, bilang kalo sungainya itu katanya airnya bisa diminum saking bersihnya. Bener gak sih kak Deb?

    PS: foto2nya endess banget. Berasa cuci mata :'(

    1. Thank you Adie :D
      Serius ya air sungainya bisa diminum ? Aku ga nyobain pas disana, keliatan bersih sih tapi ga kepikir mau nyobain, hihihi :p

  13. aaaa, pemandangannya keceee! kapan aku bisa sampe situ nanti -,-

    1. harus yakin bisa biar kesampaian. Semangkaaa :D

  14. aduh.....foto ya bikin ngiri lg

    1. daripada iri mending travelling yukkk :)

  15. Anonymous4/7/14 16:57

    View from Hohensalzburg Fortress is my favorite :)


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