Slovenia, August 2013
The sound of church bell woke me up in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes and stared to the ceiling of my room, trying to remember where I was. Jump out of bed, I slowly walked to the sliding glass door which lead to the balcony. As soon as the door opened, I could feel the cool air brushing across my face. Walked my bare feet on the cold balcony tiles, my eyes widened...I was then mesmerised by the stunning scenery lie in front of me. Clear blue sky and mountain range as a background with a lush hill in the middle of a tranquil lake. To me it's a picture perfect of beautiful Lake Bled.
view from my balcony |
the traditional Pletna boat |
Lake Bled surrounds Bled island in the Julian Alps in northwestern Slovenia. The lake is a mixed of glacial and tectonic origin. The best way to take a tour across the lake is by taking a traditional Pletna boat. The sound of water lapping against the oar and the nature sound of birds chirping, I found it very relaxing. I smiled and put my camera down...I just want to absorb the beauty and enjoy the moment.
each Pletna boat has different names |
Assumption of Mary Pilgrimage Church |
stairs to the church |
Within 15 minutes of Pletna boat ride, we reached the bottom of staircase which lead to the church. One interesting story that I found about wedding in that island was every groom has to carry his bride to be up the 99 stone stairs and ring the church bell. It is believed will bring good lucks to the couple.
Note to self: lose some weight before your wedding day.....unless you're marrying Hercules :p
According to a legend, the temple of the ancient Slavic goddess Siva, once stood in the place of the present Baroque church. The temples disappeared during battle against the Christians, who destroyed the altar and built a church. Another important part of this church would be the bell. It is said whoever rings the bell will get their wish come true. Can you guess what I was wishing for? :)
I could sit here all day long |
the gold plated altar |
souvenirs |
Pletna boat in Lake Bled |
view from the top of Bled castle |
Before heading to Postojna Cave for
a journey to the centre of the earth, I made another stop at Bled Castle. It's perched on top a steep cliff, 130 metres above the glacial lake Bled. And you know what that means? Yup! Some exercise for my leg and bum while reaching the medieval castle, but the view from the above was worth the climb up though. It was one of most jaw-dropping scenery I've ever seen. The history of the castle reaches back to 1004 when the German Emperor Henry II gave his estate at Bled to Bishop Albuin of Bixen. Bled Castle is the oldest castle in Slovenia and is now arranged as a exhibition area.
beautiful Lake Bled |
hi there! :) |
good night |
souvenirs from Hong Kong for you....yes, you!!! :D |
By now I guess most of you already know how to join, right? Only 3 easy peasy steps:
1. Make sure you have followed my twitter @twitdebbzie and like my FB page My Time Capsule
2. Tweet this sentence >>> #giveaway T-shirts, chocolates and key rings from Hong Kong, let's grab it on! cc: @twitdebbzie
3. Don't forget to leave your email address and twitter on the comment box below.
There will be 4 winners and each get a T-shirt, a box of chocolate and a key ring
Closing date is Sunday, 6 April 2014 (closed)
Update: congratz to @catatanruslan, @agungkristiono, @satsatwinnie & @rin_mizsipoel :D
Pertamaax kak deb :D
ReplyDeleteemail :
twitter : @catatanruslan
cihuyyyy yang pertamax :D
Deleteusername : masbene dan email : keybeoms at yahoo dot com :)
ReplyDeletethanks udah ikutan yaaa :)
DeleteWow! I could sit in that balcony all day long from breakfast to dinner! :)
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for stopping by.
DeleteI would do the same! It's just so beautiful and peaceful there :)
Ya ampun kakaaa...
ReplyDeleteSebulanan yg lalu akoh ngepost foto danau ini di twitter sangkinf cakepnya! Dan kamoh malah kesanaaa... akkkkk...
The lake, the church, the clear blue sky are so beautiful...and the owner of this blog too! :*
awww.....thanks ya, Achiedz.
DeleteTapi beneran danau ini luar biasa indah....pokoknya aku mau honeymoon kesana (kalo udah ketemu soulmate) hihihihi :p
Halo kak Deb, love all those picts :)))
ReplyDeleteemail :
twitter : @antimbon
Makasihhh, Anti :)
Deleteanjrittttt ... itu air danau bersih ijo banget, trus gereja nya cakep :-)
ReplyDeleteiyah, danaunya bening bangetttt warna ijo emerald gitu :)
DeleteI do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great.
ReplyDeleteI do not know who you are but definitely you're going to
a famous blogger if you aren't already ;) Cheers!
Review my blog is it possible to shrink jeans
thanks :)
DeleteKayaknya tempatnya sepi n terpencil banget.
ReplyDeleteSerem juga kalo ke sana sendirian.
ga serem kok, justru rasanya damai banget disana :D
DeleteSeems you are cutting down some fat. Slim! ^_^
ReplyDeleteGorgeous place. Indeed
tipuan kamera n angle foto itu, Kaaa. Aslinya tambah ndut inih, huhuhu >.<
DeleteLake Bled ga kalah cantik dengan Danau Toba! Bakalan betah bobo-bobo lucu di pinggir danau seharian, hihi.. :D
Twitter: @azkacrut
iyah nih, sampe sekarang belum kesampaian mau main2 ke Medan :(
DeleteOH MY GOD, Kereeeennn bangeeett Tuhaaan.. pinter banget ambil gambarnya ih. ka Debz ini selalu -____-
ReplyDeleteemail :
twitter : @puteriih
ini sih emang tempatnya yang photogenic. Ambil foto sambil merem pun hasilnya bagus, hihihi
DeletePemandangan danau , gereja sangat luar biasa juga teknik photography yang bagus !!
Deleteemail :
twitter : @agusmulyono2011
Makasih, om Agus :)
Deletegk pernah bosen deb, liat hasil foto lho,,keren2 semua, bikin ngiri
ReplyDeletetuh tempatya kyya tenang bgt ya, bagus tuh buat berdua aja...
email :
twitter: @agungkristiono
thanks ya, Agung. Asli tempatnya memang cakep banget :)
DeleteHuuaaa... keren bgt Mba Debz tempatnya! Asli iri bgt, hahaha... Udara bersih, pemandangan memukau dan cerita ttg gereja cantik, bnr2 vacation impian. Thank you for share Mba! Wish i can fly to Slovenia someday...
t: @perfectuland
Moga2 bisa jalan ke Lake Bled juga ya, Retno :)
DeleteTo me, it's like a little charming fairy-tale town. You captured so well the landscape and the lake xx :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with you, Agness. It's really like a fairy tale town. Thank you :)
DeletePemandangannya kayak kartu pos. Rasanya menenangkan. Yang paling lucu pas baris dimana dibilang pengantin pria harus menggendong mempelainya dan membunyikan bel. Mampus tuh kalau yang cewek berat. Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteTwit : joojuunii
Email :
gendong si pengantin cewe melewati 99 anak tangga, woooh...kayaknya mesti latihan angkat beban dulu berbulan-bulan sebelum hari H ya, hihihihi :p
DeleteAstaga... kamu kerja apa sih kok bs jln2 mulu setahun berkali2 hahaha IRIIII.... Ini kedua kalinya mampir di blogmu n ga bs brenti bacain crta2 plus liatin foto2nya. Aku jg follow instagram kamu jdnya gara2 foto2nya kece bgt. Duhhh kl anak kantoran gmn ya caranya bs kabur sebulan gt utk keliling Eropa hahaha... Btw salam kenal ya :)
ReplyDeleteSalam kenal juga, Adino. Thanks udah follow :)
DeleteUhmm...kerja kantoran emang agak tricky kalo mau traveling jangka waktu lama ya. Beberapa temenku belain resign kantor supaya bisa traveling tanpa waktu terbatas, hihihi.
Waduhhh kl resign ntar ga ada dana buat travelling lg dong hahaha... Keep posting tempat2 indah ya Deb, ditunggu bgt crta2 selanjutnya...
Deleteehh....maksudnya mereka udah menimbun uang dulu sebelum resign. Karena emang udah plan pengen traveling jangka lama :D
DeleteWah kalau gitu ntar abis married aku ajak dia ah naik tangga skalian bakar kalori kak hahaha. Oh ya itu di danau blh berendem kak?
ReplyDelete@NintyaSR &
uhuyyy....cocok banget buat honeymoon nih. Boleh berenang ama bisa sewa kapal kecil juga buat berdua. Makin romantis, kan? :D
Deleteaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa view dari Balcony nya ciaamikkk banget *duh tahun berapa sih ini? gue masih aja pake kata ciamik*
ReplyDeletetekmiderr *ketularan hana*
keyeeen Cidebbb :D
aku mau tiket Disneyland aja Ci
hahahaha....kamuh kok jadi ter-Hasanah sihhh
DeleteLho, bukannya kemaren baru dari Disneyland kannn :D
Gak sia sia begadang pagi ini, semoga nembus :D
good luck! :D
DeleteKerennn ....entah kapan aku bisa jalan-jalan seperti ini...aaarrrgggghhhh *lia kerjaan di atas meja kantor
ReplyDeletebtw, this is my twitter : @rin_mizsipoel
smoga cepet beres kerjaannya ya, biar bisa jalan2 *puk puk* :p
DeleteCici Debzzz, Aduh itu jepretan Cici selalu halus, manis (emang gula?) Iya tapi aku suka aja gitu. Hahaha, Cici juga beruntung sekali waktu di sana dapat cuaca sebiru dan secerah itu ya. Danaunya jernih sekali sampai bikin nggak tahan buat nyebur euy. Tapi tempat ini memang romantis banget ya Ci. Aduuuhhhh duuhhh. Cepat-cepatlah bertemu dengan soulmate mu Ci biar ada Slovenia Lake Chapter 2 xD
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih sudah posting cerita tentang tempat cantik ini ya Ci. Kutunggu cerita-cerita cantikmu berikutnya ;)
@satsatwinnie /
awww.....makasih aku dibilang manis kayak gula. Eh, salah baca ya? hihihi :p
DeleteIyah, cuacanya pas cerah banget tapi adem...sukaaaa. Tungguin chapter 2 ya, mau pesen soulmate dulu di online shop, wakakaka >.<
What an amazing place! Always wanted to go to Lake Bled, it's high up on my list. Looking how serene it is on your pictures just makes me wanna go there soon!
ReplyDeletePlease take meeee.....I'd really love to re-visit Lake Bled
DeleteTulisannya bikin pengen ke Slovenia deh.
ReplyDeleteKak Mindoel kan enak ga usah apply visa schengen lagi. Kalo aku pasti udah jabanin semua negara di Eropa dech, pengennn :)
DeleteOh dearest Lord, I wanna be there in Assumption of Mary Pilgrimage Church.
ReplyDeleteThat kind of place will never fail to make me, time by time, fall in love with You!
Lucky you, Cici Debbzie! Keep spirit!
@uopoiki (
soooo pretty, isn't it? :)
DeleteViewnya kerennnn BGT TOP
iyah, bikin betah banget :)
DeleteThe place is really gorgeous, ci Debzz! And that view of the lake, the hills, the mountains is such a beauty!
ReplyDeleteindeed! any plans to visit lake Bled for honeymoon? hihihi :p
DeleteHonestly i don't even know where to find slovenia on the map... aku ketiduran melulu pas pelajaran geografi hahahaaa...
ReplyDeletetapi bagus banget, enaknya tuh menghabiskan masa tua dengan view kayak gitu ya.
ohhh sama kita berarti, aku peta buta Indonesia aja dapet nilai jelek mulu >.<
DeleteIt's definitely a great place! Love all the scenery <3
the scenery is absolutely breathtaking there :)
DeleteAh, luckily. It's not too late! *cheers*, starving for that souvenirs (아이구...) *sigh
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Journey to the centre of the earth, berasa film gimanaa gitu kak :D
Aduh, masih lama yaa buat traveling kayak gitu. Nabung dari sekarang deh biar pertengahan kuliah bisa backpack kesana sama temen - temen :D
ayooo, semangat nabung biar bisa kunjungi tempat2 impian ya :D
DeleteIyaa harus nih kak pokoknya dari sekarang hunting tempat, buat itinerary kecil - kecilan sama nabung. Fighting!
DeleteKakak rencananya mau kemana lagi?
Setelah mengamati foto -fotonya mba' yang mana ada danau diperbukitan dan sebuah pulau ditengah danau, saya harus bilang kalau Lake Bled memliki kemiripan dengan Telaga Sarangan.
Pengen banget menangin giveawaynya
Ah yaaa, Telaga Sarangan itu tempat libur favorit pas aku kecil. Sering banget nginep disana pas weekend trus keliling danau naik kuda. Sekarang apa masih sebagus dulu ya? udah lama ga kesana
DeleteThat balcony!! It must have turned even the grumpiest chap into a darling or the most boring fellow into a poet!
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed! I was suddenly being romantic and waiting my knight in shining armor *mulai lebay* :p
DeleteKeren pake banget. Pengin naik kapalnya itu mbak :)
ReplyDeleteIkutan ah
twitter : @usemay
email :
Yukkk....sini ikut naik kapal, masih kosong lho :D
DeleteView from balkonnya persis seperti view film Frozen... Ahh jadi bayangin jadi pangeran di suatu negara kecil di Eropa, trus bercocok tanam, bikin wine *malah jadi petani* hehehe
ReplyDeleteIkut test keberuntungan ya Deb hihi
Twitter : @halim_san
Email :
Aminnn....semoga kesampaian impianmu jadi pangeran ya, Lim :D
DeleteLebih mau souvenir dr Slovenia itu hihihi, buat freegiveaway. Cute2! Tp dr Hongkong juga okelah (^o^)/
ReplyDeleteTwitter : @Sakura_Rei
Email :
aku terbuai ama pemandangan disana sampe lupa belanja souvenir, padahal suka koleksi T_T
DeleteJleb jleb jleb..
Uuhhhhhh... Love!
Happp....jangan mangap terus ntar kemasukan lalat, hihihi :p
DeleteMakasih mba debb,,,,, ditunggu kiriman nya heheee
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by :)
DeleteOh wow I love your pictures! I was there just two weeks ago and totally agree! It's the perfect hideaway. We also were lucky to capture some beautiful morning moments when the lake really was like a mirror --> it's in german but I hope you like the pictures :)
ReplyDeleteDanke, Anita :D
ReplyDeleteI also love your pictures, they are really beautiful!
nice posting.
ReplyDeletevisit me to paket honymoon di Sumatra Barat
Tempatnya cozy banget. Gue betah deh duduk di situ sambil ngelamun seharian :3
ReplyDeleteaku juga betaaaaah disana, udara segar plus pemandangan cantik :D
DeleteSlovenia keren bingitsss...ngeliat foto2nya jadi ngiler..lucky you mba!
ReplyDeleteI'm blessed :)
DeleteSlovenia memang cantik banget dan banyak tempat menarik yang bisa dieksplorasi lho :D