Malang, April 2014
"Dudu, please take us to Museum Angkut," asked my adorable nephews. Only God knows why all my nephews call me 'Dudu' :p
"Museum Angkut? What's that?" I gave them a puzzled look.
"It's a new transportation museum, Dudu. Let's go there, pleaseeeeee."
Of course I don't have a heart to say 'no' to those cheerful kids and also it's been long since I've done a sightseeing in my hometown, so off we went. The tourist industry in Malang has grown rapidly over the years, specially in Batu area. Thanks to Jawa Timur Park Group who has opened Jawa Timur Park 1 and 2, Batu Night Spectacular, Batu Secret Zoo + Museum Satwa, Eco Green Park and now the latest is Museum Angkut & Movie Star Studio which still in soft opening stage.
Museum Angkut, Malang |
Opened on 9 March 2014, Museum Angkut is now a house for more than 300 vehicles. Yes, any kind transportation you could imagine from traditional to modern, they even display Chrysler Windsor Deluxe which belonged to Indonesia's former president, Soekarno. A lot of those vehicle were brought directly from their home countries such as Germany, USA, Italy, UK, etc. It's the first and largest transportation museum in Indonesia (even in South East Asia if I'm not mistaken). I love how they creatively arranged the vehicles based on particular theme in each zone. More vehicles will soon complement this museum including a Boeing 737 aircraft, trains and ships.
Gangster & Broadway zone |
snack bar |
traditional transportation |
Batavia zone |
Pecinan (Chinatown) zone |
Italy zone |
France zone |
Germany zone |
a unique rattan car |
hi there! :D |
super tall English soldiers |
England zone |
welcome to Hollywood! |
When we reached Hollywood zone which is the same area as Movie Star Studio, we were greeted by the humongous Hulk figure. Alexio and Adrian, my nephews were jumping up and down with joy getting up close with their favourite movie figures. Ahhh, kids are so easy to please :)
While not all figures looks exactly the same like the real movie stars but still, it's a great spot to take lots of selfie. One reminder though, try to avoid weekends or public holiday if you're not too keen being in a crowded place like me. You'd have plenty of time to take good pictures without have to jostle with other visitors.
Brangelina, is that really you? :p |
meet your favourite celebrity |
Pasar Apung (floating market) |
Before leaving the museum, I spent sometime in Pasar Apung area. There are plenty of stalls selling traditional food. Me love! I went crazy to taste some of the food which are hard to find nowadays. Other than food, there are also souvenir, toy, clothes and trinket stalls. I think the prices are very reasonable considering it's a touristy spot. Oh! and try not to miss the sampan ride (traditional small boat) around Pasar Apung which cost only
IDR 10.000 per person. All in all it was a really fun day in Museum Angkut. Glad to find another place in my hometown where people not only being entertained but also learning something new and enjoying the beautiful scenery around Batu area.
sampan ride |
Museum Angkut & Movie Star Studio
Jl. Terusan Sultan Agung no. 2, Batu-Malang
Phone: 0341-595007
Opening hours: 12 pm - 20 pm
Ticket: Monday-Thursday IDR 50.000 *** Friday-Sunday & public holiday IDR 75.000
(Also you have to pay IDR 30.000 for your camera)
FREEBIES!!! Bought these Museum Angkut T-shirts for you. Simply just leave your email address and twitter on the comment box bellow :) (
Congratz to the winners
@noerazhka @awardeean @dewirossa
brown red purple |