My Time Capsule: Italy: Searching For My Romeo In Verona


Italy: Searching For My Romeo In Verona

Verona, July 2014

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

Before my trip to Verona, famously known as the town of Romeo and Juliet; I was planning to stand on her balcony then I imagined myself as Juliet and saying the quote above loudly. I thought it would be fun and perhaps I would meet my Romeo....if he really exist. But then I realised that I'm not that romantic. Also the scene reminds me of my cat who meows so loudly on the roof during mating season. Romeow....Rrrromeowwww... 

Right! I really need to control my wild imaginations.

Located between Milan and Venice, Verona is rich in Roman history. The first historic site that I noticed after getting off the bus was Arena di Verona. It's a Roman amphitheatre in Piazza Bra built in first century and until today is still in use for large-scale opera performances. At a glance, it reminds me of the Colosseum in smaller size.

Arena di Verona

Via Mazzini, the shopping street

2000 years old Madonna Verona fountain

Juliet's house
love padlocks

I walked through the crowded shopping street, Via Mazzini and saw a signboard 'Casa di Giulietta' at the other end. Finally, I found Juliet's house. After watching the movie"Letters to Juliet", I expected to see a very peaceful courtyard with romantic aura. But Boy, I was wrong! It was so sooo crowded that it's difficult for me to even walk from the entrance to the courtyard. People jostled each other, snatched the best spot to take pictures. With my petite figure (read: short), I had to face so many sweaty armpits around me. Such a chaos under the scorching hot weather. 

the balcony 

Giulietta, taken by my sister using Iphone5

Everyone was stampeding a bronze statue of Juliet in order to rub, grope, caress her right breast in any possible way while posing for a picture. You will have a good luck in love and live happily ever after for doing it, so the legend says. Poor must have been awful for her. But earlier this year due to cracks and wear, the statue was moved to Museum Castelvecchio where it will be restored and displayed #SaveJuliet.


funny tees

Feeling gutted and disappointed, I decided to leave Juliet house and wandered around Piazza delle Erbe instead. This square is the heartbeat of Verona where there's a lot of cafes, shops and also market. So many delicious food, ice cream, and beautiful souvenirs to heal my broken heart. It didn't take long for me to forget about the romance of Romeo and Juliet. Only a fairy tale though.

street art performers

the market at Piazza delle Erbe

oh! I love thee, Calzone!

So did I find my Romeo in Verona? Nope! But I did eat some super delicious nibbles that I bought from the market.....and so it was a happy tummy ending :D


  1. waah iya bener itu yang di film letters to julliet, aku nonton ituuu kereeen jd pengen ke Verona <3

    1. Verona cantikkkk tapi rumah mbak Juliet chaos banget. Terlalu banyak pengunjung sampe ga bisa gerak >.<

  2. not a big fan of Juliet and Romeo unfortunately , however visiting Verona is a must !

  3. Ah ini kan yg di film letter to Juliet kan :D

    eh eh terus fotonya cideb lagi di balkon manaa? :P

    1. ogahhh naik ke balkon, antrinya lebih parah dari antri sembako >.<

  4. aaakkkk, itu street performancenya kereeen ^o^ . Kok bisa sih.. #SalahFokus ;p

    1. kerennnn ya. Aku sampe muter2 penasaran ama trik mereka, hihihihi

  5. i'm affraid i won't be coming back for my patients here in Indonesia once i visit Italy, lol

    1. I know, right? Too many delicious food, lol

  6. It's a shame that the courtyard was so crowded but overall it sounds like a lovely day! Your pictures are so colorful and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy travels :)

    1. Thank you, Laure. I feel gutted because it wasn't as peaceful as I've imagined, lol

  7. huaaa, eropa emang bikin culture shock yah. baru tau jg kalau romeo and juliet berasal dari verona

    1. meski cuma cerita fiksi, tapi dibikinin beneran rumah si Juliet :D

  8. tempatnya persis bgt ya kayak di film romeo ya

    1. yup, tapi versi chaos terlalu crowded >.<

  9. I think you've just inspired me to go to Italy! :) Looks so beautiful.

    1. yes, Italy is beautiful. Many places to explore :)

  10. Hey Debb, what a happy tummy ending story. :p

    1. yesss, who cares about Romeo as long as there's delicious food for me, hahaha :p

  11. Kak ... yg street performance itu bener ngak sech ??? mereka pake magic atau tipu muslihat ???. Btw aku suka liat bangunan2 tua warna warni macam toko2 nya itu :-)

    1. itu trik aja kok. Kaya ada semacam tiang penopang yg tertutup kostum mereka. Lucu yach :D

  12. Eh lupa ..... trus Romeo nya kakak siapa ????? #Kepo

  13. tell me more about the Calzone pleasee!!!hahahahaha...

    nice photo Deb..

    1. can't say much about the Calzone. Only.....Mama Mia! Delizioso! :p


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