My Time Capsule: 2014 In A Nutshell


2014 In A Nutshell

First few months of 2014 were rough and miserable for me. It seemed like everything went wrong from a heartache, a death threat then came the time when I feel really depressed because Bobo (the dog I love the most) was missing. And when I thought that my life couldn't get any worse, I got myself into a severe car accident. So I'll just leave it as a painful history and moving on. Earliest this year I was planning to slow down a bit in travelling. But of course it's easier to say than to do. Because I ended up arranging couple itineraries for the rest of 2014.

January - Taiwan

February - Hong Kong

I got the worst cough in my life during my trip to Hong Kong. So I didn't really do anything during the 10 days here.....only lazing in the hotel, catching up my Grandma's sister who live in Hong Kong and stuffing my face with all those delicious food.


I appeared on TV! It's one of Trans7 programs names Etalase which basically about travel, food and lifestyle. Doing a food live review is definitely not easy. I have a tendency to be blatantly honest about food that I taste and the tv crew were not happy about it. There were lots of "CUT" during the filming, lol :p

August - Iceland, Greenland, Denmark, France, Singapore

tried snowmobile for the first time and loved it!

Hello, Kulusuk!

mermaids in Copenhagen

beautiful church in Reims
Never crossed my mind that one day I would step my feet in the remote island of Greenland. But I did! The trip to Iceland and Greenland was a mind-blowing experience indeed. The scenery is so beautiful that my pictures don't do justice. I have to put both places on my 're-visit' list :)

November - Thailand

my tuk tuk driver

My birthday trip to Bangkok was so much fun. I didn't visit any landmarks there as I was too busy doing food tour and shopping. After a whirlwind months of tears, I thought I deserve to be spoiled a little bit :)

December - Paris and Switzerland

catacombs of Paris

Having a white Christmas in Zermatt
December trip always means Christmas holiday with my family. But this year there are 19 people of us consist of 12 adults and 7 kids! It was such a headache to arrange the trip for a big family but we are having fun nevertheless. I'm beyond happy to finally back to Luzern, the city I called home 14 years ago. Unfortunately the snowfall was really bad the whole week that I had to cancel some of my itineraries. Well, I'm in Zurich at the moment and will fly to Dubai tonight.

I'm devastated by the news about Airasia  QZ8501 plane crash. More than 40 passengers are from my hometown, Malang. Many of them are friends of my family and one of them is my friend's husband. I can't put in words about how sad I am right now. Trying to get some updates everyday from CNN and online. May their souls rest in peace and my deepest condolences to their family.

As for 2015, I have not planned any trips yet. I really think to take couple months off from travelling and finishing my project (a book). The draft has been 'sleeping' in my laptop for 2 years now and my editor has given me a wake up call, lol. So....wish me luck. Perhaps that's my only resolution for the new year beside trying to maintain my healthier lifestyle :)

first morning of 2015 here in Zurich

Happy New Year 2015, my friends.  May every day of the new year glow with happiness for you!


  1. Anonymous1/1/15 17:07

    Woow. I can only say wow to your travelling in 2014. Happy new year and looking forward reading your book! :)

  2. Kak ... duwitmu akeh tenan yooo, mlaku2 terus. Aku yoo pengen, kapan yoo iso mlaku2 koyok ngono :-)

    1. aku punya perkebunan pohon uang, Kak. Mau ga? hihihi *dikeplak*. Diriku kan gak se sering kamu jalan2nya. Kak Cumi tuh yang mlaku2 terus :p

  3. kalian berdua, cumi dan mba deb, terlalu merendah... yg 1 nya jalan2 paling sering walo kliling Indonesia... 1 nya lagi walo bbrp bulan sekali tp ke Eropa muluuu ;p

    happy new year mba Deb ^o^... tulisan2mu ini slalu bikin aku termotivasi utk nabung spy bisa kesana juga :)

    1. marilah lebih rajin menabung biar bisa sering jalan2 ya, Fan :D

  4. Hepi nu year too kakak :D.
    Berita AA emang bikin duka mendalam buat smua orang

  5. aduhhh..ngiri dah ama perjalanannya mbak debbzie...hehe...gerejanya unik-open gitue..naik snowmobile sepertinya asik tuh

    1. wiiii...jangan iri lah, kamu kan sering jalan2 jugaaaa :)

  6. akuuu mauu bikin snow angel di saljuuuu *gegoleran di salju*

    Dubainya juga masuk desember kann cii, kok ga ditulis?

    1. ke Dubai-nya udah bulan January, Mei. hihihihi :p

  7. di tunggu lo ci bukunya, ak udah gk sabar mau liat,,
    mau dong ngerasain -24 derajat di swiss

    1. masih a long way to go nih proses bukunya :p

  8. Hiks, envy lihat foto2 di atas, 2014 mbak Debbi benar-benar berwarna :D

    Salam kenal ya mbak :)

    1. Salam kenal juga, Rifqy. Semoga tahun 2015 bakal jadi tahun yg berwarna buat kamu :)

  9. Selamat tahun baru mbak Deb.. awal tahun 2015 ini travelling kemana mbak? Keren banget,, sumpah bikin iri deh..

    1. tahun 2015 rencananya mau libur travelling dulu. Mau terapi buat sembuhin claustrophobia dan aerophobia :)

  10. aahhh happy yah kereenn amitt....

  11. whee.. a book! do let us know when it's out.. hehe..

    1. will do! masih proses tulis ulang kok, karena draft udah tidur 2 taon di laptop, hihihi

  12. i want to ride a snow mobile in iceland.....


    1. Taon depan Ogi pasti ke Iceland dan riding a snow mobile! Aminnnn :D


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