My Time Capsule: 2015 In A Nutshell


2015 In A Nutshell

Looking back at 2015, it was the year of fighting.
I struggled against the phobias, insecurities and depression.
It was so intense that I decided to be away from social media world. Instead I forced myself to meet new people in the real life. Not an easy thing to do since I'm naturally a shy person. My zero confidence level didn't help too since I kept hearing people said "you are fat" which made me even more depress. So yeah, there was time when I kinda shut down from the world and lived inside my cocoon.

But then I realised that life is too precious to be wasted.
I seek help from a psychologist to cure my phobias through hypnotherapy sessions.
I started to join yoga class to find my inner peace and learn to be more relax.
I hired a kickboxing personal trainer so I can punch and kick my weakness away.
I exercised regularly at gym to build stronger body muscle and to achieve a healthier body shape that I had a long time ago.

It was a rough journey but I guess that shaped me into a stronger person.
As for travelling, I did slow it down until I feel better and back on the track again.
Here's my recap of my 2015

January - Dubai

Airbus 380 window seat
Kicked off the first day of 2015 by flying from Zurich, Switzerland to Dubai, UAE. It was the end of my family holiday in Europe and on the way back home we spent couple days in Dubai.

March - Bali

Grand Nikko Bali

Bali foodies
Had a great chit chat over delicious food with a bunch of awesome Bali foodies. It was great to get to know some new friends :)

April - Jakarta

delicious food adventures with beautiful friends in Jakarta
Flied to Jakarta to attend some events and catch up with some blogger friends. I also did a food marathon all over Jakarta. Let's say I did taste over 15 different food in a day. Yes, that's possible for me, lol!

May - Bangkok

attending my cousin's traditional Thai wedding in Bangkok

July - Bali, Malang, Singapore

John Hardy Ubud

Watu Ondo Waterfall, Malang

Batu Bengkung Beach


August - Tuban

Kwan Sing Bio Temple

sunset in Tuban
An impulsive day trip to Tuban which is about 4 hours away from Malang. Just because I wanted to taste their famous Kare Rajungan (Portunidae, a family of crabs which is cooked in super spicy curry sauce) and Sate Mentok (duck satay)

November - Vietnam

mesmerised by the beauty of Halong Bay
It was my birth month so I decided to give myself a little reward after all the efforts. I had a wonderful time with my family in Vietnam, my 45th country visited :)

Last but not least I dyed my hair red because just like the red in Indonesian flag it stands for courage, boldness or fearlessness. It may sounds odd but the hair colour change did boost my confidence.
So hello there, 2016! I'm so ready for the new adventures and the bad-ass version of Debbzie :)


  1. Wah mbak Debz, pas ke tuban nyobain legen nya gak?

    1. gak sempat beli kemarin. Di mana ya tempat jual legen yang masih murni? :)

  2. It's good to hear that you are fighting back! You go girl!!! You have visited some beautiful places, here's to you seeing more!xxx

  3. oh I miss kickboxing! err..actually, muay thai... Wait, are they the same? hahaha..

    keep fighting, debbzie! but still have fun :D

    1. they are similar, I think? hahaha :p
      Thank youuuu, Vira :*

  4. Konsentrasiku langsung terpecah begitu baca Kare Rajungan, duuhh langsung kruyuk2 haha. Jadi ingat makan Rajungan Remason di Tuban, itu enaakkk bangeettt tapu supeer pedass!!
    Semoga sehat selalu ya Deb :)

    1. Makasih ya, Deny :)
      Eh seriusan kare nya dicampur remason? Soalnya memang super pedasssss sampe bibir mati rasa, hahahaha

  5. Kamu jalan terus yaaa kak, bikin iri hehehe
    Kapan nich kita bisa meet up ???

    1. kita selisih jalan muluuuuuu, padahal mau minta kancut bertanda tangan Cumi :p

    2. Waksss ntar spesial aku kasih plus kiss kiss basah di kancut hahaha

  6. kka deb yng dubainya mantap deh

  7. Kak Debz semoga skrg semakin bahagia yaa. Entah knp post ini relatable (pdhl baru juga lulus kuliah) 😂

    1. Makasihhhh, Halida dan congratz yaaaa udah lulus kuliah. Waktunya jalan2 dong #eh :p

  8. what a great year - here's to 2016!

  9. Mbak Deb kapan kita ketemuuuu?

    1. hihhhh susahnya mau ketemu artis sibuk yang namanya Ariev Rahman ini :((

  10. Waaah what a tough year ya Deb. Tapi ini sih namanya enggak traveling break juga kali Deb hehehe..

    1. hahahaha. Taon lalu berasa jadi anak rumahan karena jarang pelesiran, kak Tes :p

  11. waaaoooww dubai.
    kapan ya bisa ksana .. cuma mimpi huhuhuh

    1. everything starts from a dream, kan? :)

  12. Debbzie! Hey, I didn't know you had such a rough year. But the most important is what you have in the future, and from the sound of it you're more than ready to hit the road again, explore far-flung places, you know... things that make you happy. I always see exercise as my commitment to myself to stay healthy so I can still travel for many many years to come. Have a great year ahead!

    1. Bama, thanks so much for the encouraging words. It does mean a lot to me. You too, have an awesome year ahead, ya! :)

  13. waaahhh keren-keren sekali, kapan ya bisa kayak mbak deb

  14. tiap kali mampir ke Blog Mba Debb selalu terkagum-kagum dengan kisah petualangannya

  15. tempatnya keren2 banget kak, pengen juga bisa kesana

    1. aminnnn, semoga nanti juga bisa jalan2 ke destinasi2 impian yaaa :)

  16. jadi pngen ke vietnam, :( kapan ya bisa kesana...

    1. smoga nanti juga bisa jalan2 ke vietnam yaaa :)

  17. tempatnya indah, suasananya menyenangkan. cocok untuk melepas kelelahan tubuh dan pikiran..
    tapi dimanapun tempatnya, asal mbak debz yang kunjungi pasti terlihat semakin cantik :D

  18. kalo ke tuban jangan nyobain legen mba, legennya udah di olah :D

    1. bener ya. sekarang udah susah cari legen yang bener2 murni alami :'(


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