fireworks in Hong Kong Disneyland |
It's been 3 weeks since my last blog post which is the longest
"absent" in this blog.
No, it's not because I've been too busy eating and
traveling.Yes, I've been so occupied taking care one of my dogs that just had a hernia surgery. But the main reason is my laptop finally decided to die on me after I torture it to work beyond its limit for more than 3 years. So yeah, I deserve this miserable days without my laptop. Here I'm now at one Internet cafe, trying hard to blog while breathing the thick smokes from cigarettes.
night after reading an article in LiveOlive about
5 Travel Gems for the New Year, I was trying to review where I had been spending mine every year. For
me New Year's Eve equally with fireworks. Though nowadays I'd much prefer
watching the fireworks through my hotel window than join the crowd
Yeah, I know I'm old now *ahem*
31 December 2012 in Singapore |
I didn't plan to say 'hello' to 2013 in Singapore. It supposed to be in Hokkaido but I had to cancel my trip on the last minute because Dad got a stroke. We had to fly to Singapore immediately to admit him to the hospital. I almost forgot about the new year's eve because of the chaos.
Where do I most often spend my new year's eve? It would be Hong Kong! Since I was a child, Hong Kong has been my all time favourite place to spend my Christmas and New Year holiday. This city of lights do make excellent effort every year to decorate the skyscraper buildings with Christmas theme decorations and lights. I would jump and squeal with joy every time Dad said, "Let's watch the Christmas lights!". Because we used to lived in Causeway Bay area, we had to take taxi to Tsim Sha Tsui. Ahhh...those good old days, I really miss it :)
31 December 2013 in Taichung, Taiwan |
view from my room |
Last new year's eve I was staying at Hotel One, the tallest building in Taichung. My fully glass window room (and even the bathroom) on the 34th floor undoubtedly gave the best view of fireworks in the whole city. I was sitting in silent next to the window while I heard the loud count down from the crowds that gathered in the park. I turn off all the lights in room and the 'show' began. While the people outside screaming "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!", it was then one by one fireworks lit up the sky from all over the city for about half an hour.. As it those colorful fireworks competed each other to decorate the sky. So spectacular that I got goosebumps all over my body.
So yes, I love watching fireworks but I would also love to spend my new year's eve in a remote place where there's only me, the nature, the sky and stars. I'm thinking somewhere like Iceland, maybe? Let's just put it on my bucket list and see where I will be spending this year.
Any idea? Where's your favourite places to spend new year's eve?
Sumpah cakep banget hongkong dimalam hari .... Jadi kangen :-)
ReplyDeleteyupppp, bikin selalu kangen buat balik dan balik lagi :D
DeleteIceland sounds fantastic, but we are too attached to the comfort of our apartment balcony to ring in the new year, hehe... Salam kenal, DebbZie, terima kasih ya sudah mampir ke blog kami :)
ReplyDeletewahhhh....can I spend the new year's eve in your balcony? hehehhe :p
DeleteKeren banget :)
ReplyDeleteJalan-jalan terus mba ya mba. Travelling tanpa buat kantong bolong ala mahasiswa gimana ya mba Debzie? Setiap kali liat blog mba Debbzie selalu gregetan buat jalan-jalan, terutama ke luar negri :'(
kalo traveling ya pasti kantong bolong gara2 harga tiket makin lama makin mahal. Belum lagi buat biaya visa, huhuhu.
DeleteEh tapi sekarang sering ada kuis yang hadiahnya jalan2 gratis lho, ikutan aja....namanya rezeki kan :D
Ayo semangat!
Iya mba :)
DeleteSukses juga untuk perjalanan berikutnya. Ditunggu foto-foto keren berikutnya :)))
aku tunggu cerita perjalanan kamu juga ya :D
DeleteNgarepnya sih bisa tahun baruan di gedung pencakar langit di Sydney... Wish someday deh ^^
ReplyDeleteDeb, hotel di Taichung, Taiwan nya bakal dibahas di artikel khusus nggak? Asli kepingin lihat isi hotelnya secara menyeluruh plus terpesona view bathroom menghadap kota hehehe...
oh iya, taon baruan di Sydney keren tuh fireworks-nya.
DeleteHotelnya aku cuma motret kamar aja lho.....fasilitas2 yang lain ga sempat, hihihi
Nice pictures. Aku juga pengen tuh kapan-kapan taun baruan di remote place, liat bintang - bintang, di atas gunung... asik tuh kayaknya
ReplyDeletesama ih! pasti seru abisin malam tahun baru sambil liat bintang.....err....asal jangan ujan aja ya, hihihi
DeleteHongkong jadi salah satu tujuanku tahun ini debb, semoga ga bentrok-bentrok lagi. Terutama pengen mampir ke kota sebelah mau ke macau tower buat bungee jumping hiyaaaa.... :p
ReplyDeleteBTW, kesian bener anjingmu debb.
Hong Kong paling asik pas suasana natal ama taon baru, Bob. Cantikkk banget kotanya.
DeleteIya nih kasian si Benji ususnya melorot, huhuhu
Happy New Year Debb, I hope your little dog is getting better and that you get a new laptop soon. I loved this post, fab pics. I would love to go to Hong Kong....I loved Iceland but it is very expensive there.xxx
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Dina!
DeleteBenji (my dog) is recovering pretty well. The hard part is to tell him to stay still,hahaha.
Yes, I do agree with you that Iceland is quite expensive :(
Aku juga suka traveling, rute ku biasanya adalah, kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dapur, kantor. Lumayanlah ngga nguras kantong. Paling tiap minggu aja nguras WC. Maaf komentar ngaco :D Abis liat posting ini jadi inget Jepang, tempat saya mengadu nasib 2 tahun lalu... T__T
ReplyDeletewaaa....Jepang salah satu negara fave aku lho. Ga pernah bosen bolak balik sana :)
DeleteI d like to be in Samoa yang karena letak geografisnya menjadikan negara ini selalu nomor 1 merayakan tahun baru dibanding negara2 lainnya :-)
ReplyDeleteSamoa sounds fun, Kak. Aku juga pengen lihat kehidupan suku asli disana :)
Deleteiiikhhhh seru dan keren banget ne foto-fotonya saat pergantian tahun baru...suka yang hongkong dan singapura...ngiler.
ReplyDeleteiyaaaa, pemandangan malam disana memang cantikkkk
DeleteHongkong is nice kak.. tapi fireworks mrk ga terlalu fantastic..
ReplyDeletei think Singapore is better for the fireworks. haha..
aku pengen bngt cobain ball drop di new york. hahaha.
kalo liatin film.nya new year's eve kyk.nya seru bngt. ahhahaa..
ah bener! New York kayaknya spektakuler banget pas new year ya. But not for me lah, sekarang aku gampang pusing kalo di tempat crowded >.<
DeleteBelum pernah ke Hongkong Kak Deb. Tapi dari tulisanmu aku bisa membayangkan betapa serunya Hongkong. :)
ReplyDeletemenurut penerawangan saya....kamu akan ke Hong Kong dalam waktu dekat *usap2 bola kristal* hihihi :D
DeleteKalau aku seringnya di kamar aja pas new year's eve. Hehe..
ReplyDeleteAnjingnya udah baikan sekarang abis operasi?
iya, aku juga suka menyepi di kamar daripada di tempat rame, hihihi.
DeleteUdah baikan cuma masih ga boleh banyak lari takut hernia kambuh >.<
Akhir tahun ni boleh dicoba ABU DHABI , titip mata saja ya
ReplyDeletewahhhh.....pengen explore Abu Dhabi. Dulu cuma sempat di Dubai aja soalnya :D
DeleteWah pasti seru kalau bisa berwisata ke Taiwan. salah satu tempat yang ingin ku kunjungi. Untuk Bali dan lombok kami ada www.onlineprivatevillas.com
ReplyDeleteAahhh Hong Kong is always look great from above especially when the light is showering the city ... Lovely!
ReplyDeleteBtw, u have a great view from your bathroom err I mean hotel room in Taichung! :-D
yes, HK is just lovely. Even though I've visited it more than 60 times but I still want to visit HK more and more.
DeleteThe view from my bathroom in Taichung was indeed spectacular :D
bukan main nih pemandangannya...hebat banget yakin.hehe